ChangeAgents'Network Conference Uncategorized

Meet the student team organising CAN 2021

The students at Keele University who are supporting the organisation of CAN 2021 conference introduce themselves. We are delighted to be working with them on this exciting event. A reminder that proposals for the conference need to be submitted to by 15th February.

Submit your abstract by completing the following form: CAN 2021 Abstract Submission Form (opens in a new window)

Meet Erik!
Photo of ErikAs a Geology student at Keele University who plans to go into research and teaching, organising the digital aspect of the Jisc conference is an extremely exciting opportunity for me. Managing the running of the whole online event is a massive responsibility that as a confident person, with experience in moderating large online servers, I feel I am capable of. I am looking forward to meeting all kinds of extraordinary people during the running of the event!

Meet Emily!
Photo of EmilyMy name is Emily, and I am one of the Keele University Student Ambassadors helping create the Change Agents Network for this year. I am a third-year student at Keele doing an MSci Biochemistry course. I became a student ambassador in my second year, and I have loved every single part of it! This is the biggest role I have taken on whilst being an ambassador and I am loving it! My role in the conference is to focus on the marketing and what I can do to get as many submissions as possible. I have met some incredible people so far who are a part of CAN in some way and I am so excited for the conference to come together in June! So, one of my ideas was to create ‘A Day in the Life of a University Student’ to show what it is like being a student at the moment, and I also talk about the exciting things coming up for the conference! I hope you enjoy watching this video (opens in a new window).

Meet Mariam!
Photo of MariamI am an ambitious and motivated person who is keen on to create something innovative and inspiring. I have grown up in Batumi, Georgia, after school moved to UK to attend university. Keele gave me opportunity to develop my skills in Business world. with my talented team, I truly believe we can produce memorable and productive event.

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