
New Webinars for 2015-16

2 new Change Agents’ Network webinars are now confirmed for 24 November 2015 and 20 January 2016.  Registration for the 24 November 12:30-1:30 session webinar, “What will a successful student-staff partnership look like in 2020?” is now open. Full details are on the Webinar page. 24 November 2015 – “What will a successful student-staff partnership look […]


We have been showcasing examples of practice from across further and higher education through our series of CAN webinars. Please use the Contact Us page or email Sarah Knight ( if you would like to share your practice with us. IMPORTANT!  Before you join a webinar, you will need to check your system before the […]


Achievements of the Change Agents’ Network

I’ve been in a rather fortunate position having been commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the Change Agents’ Network (CAN) by the Advisory Group, looking back over the last three years of its operation and helping to inform its future. I’d like to focus this blog post on key achievements and the best way to […]


Developing successful student-staff partnerships

Supporting you to work with students to develop your institution’s digital environment and create engaging learning experiences – by Clare Killen, author of the new Jisc Developing successful student staff partnerships online guide Combining skills sets to develop digital practice The 2014 NUS report, radical interventions in teaching and learning states, “in order for universities […]


Helping us plan the future of the Change Agents’ Network

In order to help us in planning the future of the Change Agents’ Network (CAN), we would be grateful if you could help us with some feedback on whether you are using, and if so, benefiting from the various CAN activities and resources. These include the CAN networking events and webinars, advice and guidance, the […]


Register for 30 June webinar Plus … recording, presentation and chat from 13/5 webinar available

Registration is now open for the lunchtime webinar on 30 June at 12:30; ‘Mission Employable – Student-led employability activity’ with a presentation and discussion from Dr. Eleanor Quince, from the University of Southampton. For the recording, presentations and chat of the webinar on 13/5, please go to the Webinar recordings page .


Registration for 13 May (12:30-1:30) webinar now open

Please join us on 13 May at 12:30 for the next webinar, with presentations by Deborah Millar, Head of eLearning, Blackburn College, on ‘DigiPals – Changing the Learning Landscape project’ followed by Peter Chatterton and Clare Killen’s overview of the Jisc Student Engagement Toolkit, a valuable resource for those working in the field. To register: […]

Webinar recording and presentation links

  Tuesday 27 January 2015 webinar: Ellie Russell, Quality and Student Engagement Consultant, National Union of Students: ‘The principles of student engagement’ Jim Pettiward, Blended Learning Facilitator and EAP Lecturer, and Helen Long’a Tongu, Digital Ambassador, London Metropolitain University, ‘Clued Up! project: how students and staff can explore digital literacies’ together’ ( The recording of […]


27 April webinar recording link is now available

The Change Agents’ Network third lunchtime webinar took place on 27 April from 12:30-1:30.  The webinars are designed to include opportunities for discussion and questions and a copy of the chat text as well as the presentations and recording of the Collaborate session are available. This month, there were two presentations.   Paul Chapman, Head of […]


“Students are more than students.”

Students are more than students, these words, taken from Paul Chapman’s presentation, became a kind of mantra for the two day Change Agents’ Network (CAN) event in Birmingham last week. Paul was alluding to the multitude of roles students play at Birmingham City University to add value to the overall learning experience, from mentor and collaborator, to […]